On this trip, expect exciting experiences, thrilling encounters, and unforgettable memories. You’ll stay in some of Uganda’s premier luxury safari accommodation that guarantees a comfortable and lavish stay with impeccable, warm service. You’ll see Uganda’s magical views from every angle. You’ll witness the splendor of the country’s lush and dramatic landscape from a small plane high in the sky, on scenic drives through the scenic savannah plains, as well as on foot as you trek through in the magnificent tropical rain forest.

You’ll start this 6 days luxury Uganda safari trip in Entebbe, an attractive, verdant town in central Uganda, located on a magical peninsula in Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake. From there, you’ll fly northwest to Murchison Falls Park, Uganda’s largest national park and oldest national park, blessed with beautiful scenery of palm-dotted savannah landscape, the world’s most powerful waterfall, the world’s longest river, 451 bird species, and 76 species of mammals; lions, leopards, elephants, buffalos, hippos and the world’s largest population of Rothschild’s giraffes. Enjoy a game drives in the savannah and a boat cruise on the historic Nile River to the bottom of the falls.

Then go chimpanzee tracking in Budongo Forest – a birder’s paradise – for a chance to watch chimpanzees, our closest living relatives  up close and in their magisterial natural surroundings.

After this exciting adventure, fly to the Bwindi for a thrilling trek through the ‘Impenetrable Forest’ in search of the shy Mountain Gorillas, the largest of the great apes but also perhaps the gentlest. Experienced guides and trackers will find clues to the gorilla families’ overnight movements in the verdant vegetation. Once you encounter a family, you’ll be able to spend an hour observing them before returning to the lodge for a hot shower, delicious meal, and personal meditation on how it feels to come face-to-face with our closest living relatives. End this 6 days luxury Uganda safari tour with a flight back to Entebbe.


  • Take in the mesmerizing scenery of the ‘Pearl of Africa’ from the Meet the famous mountain gorillas of Bwindi, an unforgettable experience!
  • Track a troop of chimpanzees in their natural habitat on foot Search for Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Buffalos, Giraffes, Hyenas and Hippos on game drives in Murchison Falls National Park
  • Take a boat trip along the Nile River to the bottom of the thundering Murchison Falls Look for Olive baboons; L’Hoest’s, Blue, Black-and-white colobus, Red-tailed, and Vervet Monkeys during forest treks.
  • Enjoy the prolific birdlife of Murchison, Budongo Forest, and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest
  • Optional extra of a boat trip to Ngamba Island Chimpanzee sanctuary to interact with the 49 orphaned chimpanzees here that are thriving with support from human food.